
BUSSINESS : DTx(Digital Therapeutics)


This is a project to make
a gamification digital therapeutics for ADHD patients

※ What is a digital therapeutics? To prevent, manage, or treat a disease or disorder,
advanced software medical device that provides evidence-based therapeutic intervention [Note: Digital Therapeutics Alliance (DTA)]

※ What is a digital therapeutics? To prevent, manage, or treat a disease or disorder,
advanced software medical device that provides evidence-based therapeutic intervention [Note: Digital Therapeutics Alliance (DTA)]

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Targeting for Children with ADHD.
You can install and use this product (application) on your mobile or tablet device.

Targeting for Children with ADHD. You can install and use this product (application) on your mobile or tablet device.

※ This product is pre-authorization by regulators and is currently undergoing clinical trials for validation and safety.

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ADHD (Attention Defiicit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

A condition that appears a lot in childhood due to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is
consistently distracted, hyperactive, and impulsive due to lack of attention.

A condition that appears a lot in childhood due to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is consistently distracted, hyperactive, and impulsive due to lack of attention.

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ADHD is a attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that usually occurs in childhood.
It is accompanied by various complications and causes various problems such as decreased learning ability and lack of social skills.

In more than 60% of them, symptoms persist even into adulthood.
There is a high possibility of improvement if diagnosed and treated early, but negative views on existing treatments and the medical system are not supporting it.
Even if ADHD is treated, existing treatment regimens have various side effects and disadvantages

ADHD is a attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that usually occurs in childhood.
It is accompanied by various complications and causes various problems such as decreased learning ability and lack of social skills.

In more than 60% of them, symptoms persist even into adulthood.
There is a high possibility of improvement if diagnosed and treated early, but negative views on existing treatments and the medical system are not supporting it.
Even if ADHD is treated, existing treatment regimens have various side effects and disadvantages

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Therefore, it is urgent to introduce digital treatment devices to
improve ADHD that can increase the therapeutic effect,
and it is believed that gamification digital therapeutics can have a corresponding effect,
so we develop the product by studying the mechanism with experts.

Therefore, it is urgent to introduce digital treatment devices to improve ADHD that can increase the therapeutic effect, and it is believed that gamification digital therapeutics can have a corresponding effect, so we develop the product by studying the mechanism with experts.

※ What is GMP? Good manufacturing practice. Rules on drug enhancement and quality control. GMP is a basic condition that guarantees safety or effectiveness.

※ What is IRB? Institutional Review Board. An independent consensus-based voting body that can review the ethical and scientific aspects of all life science research in humans for the rights, safety, and welfare of research subjects participating in clinical research and approve examination of clinical trials such as clinical trial plans and consent forms

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DTx 협력사
